Future Wealth FX offers both non discretionary trading accounts and fully managed trading accounts.

For investors that want to put money in the market but don't have the time our brokers can manage the account completely. This services is also used by corporate clients who simply want to place their funds in the market and see them grow with a trustworthy and knowledgeable advisor.

  • Award winning multilingual client services team.
  • Offering both fully-managed and non-discretionary accounts.
  • Gain access to many markets that are more lucrative than just investing domestically.

As an offshore commodities and forex trading firm, Future Wealth FX offers a combination of first class trading advice combined with an award winning client services team and a trading record that is second to none. Future Wealth FX clients make good returns with minimal downside due to our proprietary trading software.

Online for the 21st Century.

We offer a simple and easy to use, yet powerful online experience. We are always just a click away, and connected like never before. Gone is the days of traveling to an office miles, cities or even Countries away.

The Big Picture

Nothing exists in a vacuum, and an event on one side of the world can have far-reaching effects on the other. This is where we come in. We know how to connect the dots, and can see in advance how one action here can affect prices of a certain or even a group of commodities.

Data Analysis

We have a team of Analysts working day and night, looking at every data point and detail, so you don't have to. Breaking down complex data sets into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding, giving us the edge in a competitive market.

Worldwide Reach

As technology expands and the means of instant worldwide communication grows in use and popularity, the entire market has become a smaller and leaner entity. We have been on the forefront of integrating new technologies to give you the edge you need to succeed.

Structured, Tailored Accounts

We are specialists and offer a managed approach to all our clients to better tailor their experience and meet their individual needs. We are not a DIY firm letting our clients fend for themselves. We guide you from start to finish, and are with you every step of the way.

Full Service, Year Round.

We are there when you need us, we are in the game year round, year after year. Our team is Dedicated to our valued clients and work when need us to, not on some bankers hours. We want you to succeed and schedule our time around yours. We work for you.